45 Ways to Buy Property: Strategies and tactics to build your property portfolio

Property provides a rare opportunity to create wealth and replace your income, do you want to replace your income in 2022?

But, it's an area shrouded in mystery. How do people grow a portfolio of 20, 30 or 40 properties?

Or seemingly only accessible by handing over huge sums of capital money you need for your property deal to a few that seem to have answers.

So where is the best place to get started with the right strategy?


The real truth is that even many experienced people in the business of property struggle and get bogged down.

There are though a significant number of people who rise above it all and soar.

Education is key to understanding what options are out there to create your dream lifestyle through property.


This page-turner book, 45 Ways You Can Buy Property, is a must-read for anyone serious about creating a business that leads to a dream lifestyle through property.


In this book, property expert Rick Gannon spills the beans by sharing the 45 (insider) ways you can buy property.


Reading this book you can:

  • Unlock how to create property deals that will work for everyone.
  • Pour fuel onto your portfolio to re-energise your goals.
  • Avoid the pitfall of too little money or dwindling capital.
  • Stop competing with lots of other investors for the same deals, create new ways forward instead.

✓ Take the guesswork out of how others are doing it.

Discover the powerful B.A.R. Method - a unique system for momentum investing that is the ticking powerhouse for greater results

✓ Better yet, discover ways that work which few are even aware of.

No matter which way the economy is going this is one book to build your dream property lifestyle.♥

BIO: Rick Gannon the lover of groan-worthy bad jokes who happens to have built a £7 million property portfolio, including residential, HMO, single lets, commercial, holiday lets, pubs and developments. Followed by many on his daily video and live-feeds output. He loves ♥ teaching others and sharing his knowledge with mentees via daily video and live-feeds plus his flagship VIP Property Academy. Find out more about Rick here: https://www.rickgannon.com/45waysfreestuff.

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